06 May 2008


The plan is to eat locally as much as possible. I was inspired by the 100 mile diet book, Plenty* - written by a couple in Vancouver, Canada. In that duo the husband was the instigator. He cooked most of the meals and was willing to take more risks with food. My situation is a bit different. I would like to jump right in and eat local foods only, even if that means not getting to eat my beloved foods, like sushi and french cheese. Donny, on the other hand, is a bit more skeptical. He has been working out a lot lately and wants to be healthy, but could not give up soda or In N Out. After his 24 mile bike ride to Manhattan Beach today, Donny went to the Ralph's and picked up some maple bacon, granola bars and a copy of Men’s Health. He read this article and now by some strange miracle he is a water believer. If he is really able to give up soda, maybe we will be on a local foods diet sooner than I thought.

*My Aunt Jan should be credited for recommending this book and challenging me to eat as locally as possible.

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