Step 1: Grow tomatoes.
8 lbs. of ripe tomatoes
(1 pound is 3-5 medium sized tomatoes)
1 yellow onion
1 red bell pepper
1 green bell pepper
3 cups cider vinegar
3 cups granulated sugar
1 1/2 tbl. sea salt
1 tsp. dry mustard
2 tsp. cayenne pepper
2 tsp. whole allspice
2 tsp. whole cloves
2 tsp. ground or 1 whole cinnamon stick
2 tsp. whole peppercorn
Step 2: Wash tomatoes and dip in boiling water for 30 seconds or until skins split.

Drop in ice water, slips skins, core, quarter and remove seeds. Remove seeds from peppers and slice into strips. Peel and quarter onions. (Reminder - all skins & seeds can go in your compost pile.) Blend tomatoes, peppers and onions at high speed until liquified. Pour puree into a large pot. Boil gently for 1 hr, stirring frequently. You may need to do multiple trips with the blender.
Step 3: Add vinegar, sugar, salt and spice bag into pot. Continue boiling and stirring until volume is reduced one-half with no separation of liquid and solids. This took me about 2-3 hours. If it does not quite resemble ketchup after a few hours you can put the mixture back in the blender and liquify more. This should bring you the consistency we're used to. Taste it - if too sweet, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
Step 4: Remove spice bag and fill jars, leaving 1/8-inch headspace. Process jars for water bath or pressure canner. Process pint jars for 15 minutes at an elevation of sea level to 1,000 ft., 20 minutes from 1,000 to 6,000 feet and 25 minutes above 6,000 feet. So I've read it is recommended to use home canned products within one year.